The Joy of the Journey

Are there times when your dreams seem to be in a holding pattern, and you keep running around the same circle looking for a way out? Times when you feel stuck, stalled or short-circuited? If so, sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey! 

In our high-pressure, goal-oriented society, we sometimes forget that life unfolds according to divine timing. There is a natural rhythm to our progress, with periods of high accomplishment followed with times of inactivity. Know that there is real work being done in these quiet interludes. They are rich in spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth, which prepare us to “spring forth with a mighty faith to do that which is ours to do.” 

It is also important to accept change when it does occur. Some of us have difficulty letting go of the old and making room for the new. Perhaps we have dreams left unfulfilled, or need to release an outdated image of ourselves. Focusing on the plans of the past can blind us to the good before us today. 

There are many exciting events unfolding during the coming months at Unity Spiritual Community. We invite you to join us, wherever you are in your own journey. You are always welcome at USC, where we support one other’s dreams, encourage each other during the slow times and celebrate each other’s successes!

Namaste, Rev. Carla