Full Moon Gathering
“The Full Buck Moon”
Monday, July 22, 6:30 pm
at the home of Bea Swearingen

Each month we explore our connection with nature as expressed in various spiritual lineages, and we have the opportunity to learn more about Pagan teachings.

July is the month of the Full Buck Moon! We'll be exploring the symbology of the development of the antlers, and complementing this with the Chinese designation for July's moon as the “Hungry Ghost Moon”. In this tradition, the veil between the worlds is thinnest at this time. With that in mind, we request that attendees bring something for the altar as an offering to their ancestors. In addition, we'll learn about and experience the practice of chanting as a spiritual tool.

A $15 love offering is requested. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability to pay. 

We will share a time of refreshments, so please bring snacks, and something to place on the altar.

Register below and we will send you the address.